Thursday, December 12, 2019

Fight for Equality!

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GAD stands for Gender and Development, which refers to the development perspective and process that is participatory and empowering, sustainable, free from violence, respectful of human rights, supportive of self-determination and actualization of human potentials. This aims to achieve gender equality. This GAD made us realized that women can also do what men can do and women can do something for development, not just a recipients of development. GAD is not just concerned with women, but with the way in which a society assigns roles and responsibilities to both men and women.

Men and women have their differences. We all have our differences. We should accept that. Don’t define us based on our differences. We should change our mindset and start accepting equality.

VAWC stands for Violence Against Women and Children. VAWC includes physical abuse, sexual abuse, mental abuse, threats, harrassments and more. Well, there’s still a lot in this world are abusing women and children. Abusing them has an impact especially to the children because they are just young. VAWC are made to protect and stop women and children from suffering violence. They don’t deserve what you are doing. Learn to love them. Learn to love their weaknesses.

Let’s try to put ourselves in their place, what do you think? It’s too much right? I can’t imagine how painful it is. So, why not make our world a better and safer place for both children and women?

Whatever their gender is, poor or rich, young or old, you should treat them equally.



3rd Reflection

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For this 3rd grading, I learned on how to use the Microsoft Front Page or WYSIWYG editor and its parts. It is to make a web pages easier and there is already an html code.  I didn't have too much problems encountered. If there is something that I don't understand, I will just ask my classmates or teacher. So moving on, I will do much better. I hope that I can learn a lot that is something new.

A Season of Love and Laughter

30 Christmas Prayers and Blessings for Family and Loved Ones

     We are now again celebrating Christmas, the birth of Christ the King. In this month of December, we must remember that our Lord came in this world and sacrifice himself in order to save us from our sins. Celebrating Christmas and reflecting on the lessons he gave us is just a simple way of saying thank you. 

     Christmas is all about giving and sharing, not just the material things but also those that can be felt and appreciate like love. Jesus taught us what a genuine and unconditional love is, so why don't we spread love and forgiveness to others? By doing this, there will be no ill feelings left and all will be happy.

   We all have our way of celebrating Christmas like exchanging gifts, preparing a lot of foods, games, and more. Spending time with your family, relatives, and friends in this season is just perfect. It is also an opportunity to correct actions we aren't proud of in our lives. 

     As Christmas comes nearer, just remember that it's the thought that counts and that love is the most important thing in the world. 


             The lessons I learned through this quarter is on how to use Photoshop and its tools. I had a bit of trouble using...