Saturday, August 10, 2019

Learn From Reflecting On Experience.

Image result for reflection of a book

In this first quarter, I learned some info about internet and how to make a blog. I learned that you can also share your own opinions on blog, because at first I thought it’s just the facts about a certain topic. It’s also helps us to communicate on online world. But of course, you can’t avoid encountering problems. I don’t have much problems that I encountered, it’s just on the blog thing. I don’t know what to write sometimes. I don’t know if what I’m writing really have sense. I don’t know if I’m doing the right thing. But I won’t let those problems stop me from doing things. I just put in my mind that I’m doing this to learn. That nobody is perfect and you can’t please everyone. Just write what you know.  Moving on, I will share more ideas in my blogs. And hopefully I’ll learn more things in our incoming lessons.

1 comment:


             The lessons I learned through this quarter is on how to use Photoshop and its tools. I had a bit of trouble using...