Monday, February 10, 2020


Image result for photo about the lessons i learned

             The lessons I learned through this quarter is on how to use Photoshop and its tools. I had a bit of trouble using the Photoshop because I'm not that good. Whenever there's something I do not know, I ask my classmates for help. I am so thankful that they are there to teach me and help me. We have unity. Moving on, I will bring what I learned to my senior high and I am thankful that I knew something about these lessons. 


Thursday, February 6, 2020

Follow Your Rainbow

Image result for my dream my future

          Everyone has a dreams. Dream is something that all of us need to have. Dream is what you want to do for your future. Whether they want to become a scientist, a teacher, a pilot, an engineer, and more. I have dreams for my future just like everyone else. I want to become an accountant and a YouTube vlogger. I want to make my family feel proud of me.

          At the time when I already have my job, I would like to help my parents. I would like them to feel comfortable and give them the best of life. I would like to travel outside the country with my family. This is one of the main reason why I like to achieve my dreams. No words can’t explain how much I love and appreciate them.

          I will achieve my dreams not because of luxuries but the richness of love, compassion for people and passion for God. It is very important to have a big dream. It is not wrong. Even if you cannot achieve it, just make it as your vision. Dream can help you to prepare to face this challenging world.

          For achieving these dreams, you have to work hard, stay attentive to it, have determination, and stay motivated. In fulfilling your dreams you need a lot of things and also have to sacrifice many things.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Kannawidan Festival 2020

Image result for kannawidan festival 2020

          The Kannawidan Festival is an annual two-week-long celebration commemorating the founding of the province on February 2, 1818. The old Ilocos province was split into Ilocos Norte and Ilocos Sur by a Royal Decree ordered by the King of Spain. Now on its 13th year, the festival has become a yearly venue for the various towns of Ilocos Sur to showcase their products and their unique traditions. 

          On the opening day, there is usually a mass held at the St. Paul Metropolitan Cathedral. It is followed by a procession of the Patron Saints, this is the Ilocanos' way of giving thanks to the almighty not only for the bountiful blessings but also for the rich heritage of the city. This event showcases the deep-rooted religiosity of the townsfolk.

          There are different contests that focus to the ability and skills of the students. These include traditional tribal rituals, choir and glee club competition, marching band contests, street dancing showdown, and more.

          The local government of Ilocos Sur thought of this festival to encourage the younger generation like us to learn the indigenous songs and dances of the province. 

Be The Change You Want To See

Image result for change starts with me

          Jim Rohn says “The only change that is really going to dramatically affect your life is you”. Simply put, if you want to change a thing, you want to change the world, you must change yourself first. But you must also understand that change is a process, not an event. It’s not that if you want to change a thing, you’ll just snap and then the change is already there. You need to hard work and be patient.

          Just like if you have a problem, sometimes you just want to end it immediately but it’s not that easy. What makes a problem big is simply that it’s yours. We tend to think that we have the biggest problem in the universe. Everyone has problems. No one is perfect. So, we should change this thought, we should change ourselves in thinking this way. Instead, we need to think of a solution.

          Maybe you wonder if you have the ability to change. The truth is, you have it. But to make it possible, you have to change yourself first. You have to change your mentality, your habits, and your actions. It’s not easy changing yourself, but it’s necessary if you want to make a massive impact.

          You don’t need to change everything. You just need to improve and change what is closest to you. Many people believe that one can be able to change the world by making changes in the political and social structures of the world, but it’s not. Sometimes all it takes is trying to fix and improve what’s closest to you and affects you personally.

          Change begins with improving who we are on the inside. We each have a unique identity and our own distinct thoughts. These thoughts often propel us to act. So, by mindfully centering our thoughts in a positive direction, we can improve our actions and thus our character.

           Simply put, if you change nothing, nothing changes.


             The lessons I learned through this quarter is on how to use Photoshop and its tools. I had a bit of trouble using...