Friday, October 11, 2019

2nd Grading Reflection

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In this 2nd grading, I learned how to work using an HTML(Hypertext Mark-up Language). In HTML, you need to use tags. There are 2 kinds of tags. First is the stand alone tag. Just like in life, you don't need others to help you to work better always, sometimes you just need to be independent in order for you to work better. The second kind of tag is the container tag. The container tag has a start tag and end tag. Just like in life, if you started to become happy don't expect too much that it will last long, because there's an end of it (just kidding). Well, I didn't encountered problems/challenges because I understand the lessons. Moving on, I hope that the lessons in 3rd grading is also easy to understand. 

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Thank You Teachers

teachers day, teachers day 2019, happy teachers day, teachers day 2019, teachers day date, indian express

      Teacher's Day is a special day to our teachers. This is the day where us, students, can have an opportunity to appreciate them and thank them by giving them letters and a present.

      Teachers are so hardworking. I know that they are trying their best just to be the best teacher. Even though they have problems, they are still trying their best to smile in front of us and teach us. I know that most of the teachers are already have their own families to prioritize but they're still trying their best to give us time. Teachers plays the role for being our second parent. If they notice that their student have a problem, they won't hesitate to ask and comfort him/her. They really treat us just like their own child.

      Every teacher's day, there is a lot of balloon and flower vendors outside the school. Students will surprise their teachers. Our school has also evens for teachers just like the concert in our gymnasium. That event was fun. Our teachers will also have time to relax, have fun and enjoy.

      Teachers is indeed our hero. Teachers can, and do, change lives. Teachers can change us into the better version of our self. THANK YOU TEACHERS!



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Intramural is a day to be fun and active. Intramural can be the opportunity to show our talents in terms of sports. This will let us improve our sportsmanship and camaraderie, especially the athletes. There's a lot of games and competitions held within our school in which we can learn how to value the essence of winning and losing.

Volleyball, basketball, badminton, and sepak takraw are some of the sports held within our school. There are some of students who are shouting to support their friend or favorite team. There are also booths. Every club has their booth like marriage booth, chemlock, movie booth, loveinrinth and more. All students are allowed to experience the booths in just a very affordable price.

You know what I like in Intramural? This event allows us to be free from acads and have fun. Intramural is the time we can be physically active.

Intramural is fun and exciting. Such events have many advantages and opens many possibilities for students to be active, fun, and happy.


             The lessons I learned through this quarter is on how to use Photoshop and its tools. I had a bit of trouble using...