Friday, October 11, 2019

2nd Grading Reflection

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In this 2nd grading, I learned how to work using an HTML(Hypertext Mark-up Language). In HTML, you need to use tags. There are 2 kinds of tags. First is the stand alone tag. Just like in life, you don't need others to help you to work better always, sometimes you just need to be independent in order for you to work better. The second kind of tag is the container tag. The container tag has a start tag and end tag. Just like in life, if you started to become happy don't expect too much that it will last long, because there's an end of it (just kidding). Well, I didn't encountered problems/challenges because I understand the lessons. Moving on, I hope that the lessons in 3rd grading is also easy to understand. 

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             The lessons I learned through this quarter is on how to use Photoshop and its tools. I had a bit of trouble using...