Monday, November 11, 2019

A Nation That Is Divided, Need Love To Be United

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We just celebrated the United Nations Day on October 24th. We all know that the United Nation consists of countries who promotes world peace, human rights, and social progress. It develops cooperation among the nations of the world.

The United Nation Celebration has a theme "Indigenous Language Matter for Sustainable Development, Peace Building and Recognition." In our school, we celebrated the United Nations Day by having the students to dress up in their national costumes. There is also a pageant and spoken word poetry. These activities wants to showcase what United Nation really is and what different countries are included.

This United Nations Celebration reminds us how they are trying to maintain peace among the nations. The wars stopped because of them. The different countries work together as one beacuse they have one goal.

Instead of doing bad things that can ruin the peace of the world, why don't we help them to maintain the peace?


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