Friday, November 29, 2019

Keep Your Values Positive

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    For this month of November, we are celebrating the values month. The theme for 2019 is "Pamilyang Pilipino Patatagin: Susi sa kabataang Maka-Diyos, Makatao, Makakalikasan, at Makabansa. As we heard the word "values", the first thing that comes to our mind is principles or standars of behavior. So from this, we already know what the values month celebration is.

    This values month celebration is to showcase the moral and positive, genuine values of Filipino people. These values starts within the family, then the teachers, friends, community, and so on. We, Filipinos, are known for being hospitable, kind, generous, and helpful. So as a Filipino, I'm proud of it!

    They held an activities which promotes values and is connected to the theme. Fortunately, the students are active in joining the activities, it's either individual or a group. The purpose of this celebration is for the students to develop/acknowledge the different values of a Filipino.

     I hope that this good values will remain in us forever. Because with these values guiding us, we are able to cope with the changes of life. 

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