Tuesday, January 14, 2020

HAPPY 2020

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          Usually every New Year, there's always this thing what we called 'New Year's Resolution'. It is a promise that you make to yourself to start doing something good or stop doing something bad on the first day of the year. Many people this time of year will post on their social media 'New Year, New Me!'. Some of us believes it, but most of us don't. Because those promises, most of them will not be fulfilled. And that 'New Year, New Me' thing? It's impossible. Nobody sits there on January 1st and immediately they turn into a new version of themselves. I'm okay with new beginnings and having resolutions for the new year because its like the reset period, but we all know that these changes don't come like a snap, they take time, patience, and hardwork.

          For me, New Year is not just the time we can change ourselves for the better. We can change ourselves to a better version everyday, every mornings we woke up, in short ANYTIME. So if you think that there is something to yourself that you need to change, there is something to your behavior that you need to change, start doing it now. Someday you'll realize that you became a better version of yourself.



  1. Just be yourself and be happy always. Put yourself at the top of your to-do list every single day and the rest will fall into place



             The lessons I learned through this quarter is on how to use Photoshop and its tools. I had a bit of trouble using...