Monday, July 29, 2019

A Letter To Mr. President

June 14, 2019
Mr. Rodrigo Duterte
President of the Philippines

Dear President Duterte,

Hi sir! I would like to ask for your time to read my letter. I just want to tell that you’re an amazing president! You are trying your best to make Philippines a better place. If there’s a thing that I’m concern with is probably the increasing tax of commodities because the higher the tax is, the lower the value of the money. Also with schools, some public schools need more classrooms because the classrooms that they have is not enough for all the students.
I know that no one is perfect. Even you, our president, is not a perfect person. We commit mistakes, and that’s okay. Even though you can’t please other people, I know that you are trying your best for us to live a better country!
Thank you so much, President! Thank you for spending your time to read my letter. Have a great day, sir!

Respectfully yours,

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